Skylark Himalayan

Vishwakarma is regarded as the main craftsman and architect of Gods. Biswakarma is son of Lord Brahma, the creator of the whole universe.  Viswakarma is  the official builder of all the gods’ palaces. As per Hindu mythologies Vishwakarma is the designer of all the flying chariots of the gods and goddesses. He designed and made the weapons for them of too.

In Mahabharata, the world’s biggest epic, he is described as “The lord of the arts, executor of a thousand handicrafts, the carpenter of the gods, the most eminent of artisans, the fashioner of all ornaments and a great and immortal god.” 

The celebration generally is done within the factory premises or shop floor, office or workshops and Vehicles . All the machineries are worshiped along with the worship of Biswakarma.  People worship their vehicle along with machinery. Red and white cloth and holy treads are offered to machinery and vehicles. Picture of Biswakarma is taken out in procession in many part of Nepal after the pooja is over. People install picture of lord Biswakarma at the corners of cross roads and put statues and idols of him in corner of street.